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Lower Back Pain explained

Lower back pain

Diffuse non specific lower back pain is one of the most common issues presenting clinically, it can be debilitating and significantly effect productivity and activities of daily living.

Whilst the pain is located in your lower back it is important to globally assess above (thoracic) and below (hips)


Deload above and below your spine, through thoracic and hip mobility. This is crucial and often looked past. Movement in the lower back primarily happens in flexion and extension given joint position (facet positioning). Therefore, when we need to do multi planar movement our hips and thoracic typically do the majority of the movement, and our lower back mainly stabilises us. If our hips and thoracic spine are restricted, the body will force more movement into our lower back. This results in our lower back being pushed past its natural load and therefore our body will react to protect it! Resulting in PAIN


This concept relates back to core strength (and no, not your abs). The deep trunk stabilisers such at your Lumbar multifidis, Transverse abdominals and pelvic floor stabilise your back. A well adapted and professionally thought out core routine is best to address this. Start small and controlled with an exercise like dead bugs, and progress to a complex exercise such as plank variations

The mechanisms of the deep muscles and stability/stiffness are controversial but transverse abdominals may act like a canister with the diaphragm and pelvic floor muscles. This co-contraction increases the intra-abdominal pressure, which creates an extension moment at the spine and has been hypothesized as increasing stability/stiffness in particular via connections with the thoraco-lumbar fascia

Lower Back pain is complex. Consult a professional, address your biomechanical issues and learn about your body so YOU an manage your pain

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